Lupin's vehicle of choice just so happens to be the world's rarest car One of the most notable things about the anime and manga franchise, Lupin III, is the insane amount of detail put into drawing various cars, guns, motorcycles, and other mechanical contraptions, particularly in Lupin's earlier outings (ie The 1971 'Green Jacket' series峰不二子 壁紙 峰不二子 壁紙 おしゃれ ~ あなたのための 真人版峰不二子染谷有香推出香艷寫真集 青空動漫 pinterest で officelakshmi16 さんのボード不二子ちゃんを見てみましょうルパン三世峰不二子という女ルパン 3 世のアイデアをもっと見てみExplore Raquel Johnson's board "lupin" on See more ideas about lupin iii, anime, animation
ルパン三世 Lupin The Third 峰不二子という女 Xfvga 480 854 壁紙 画像 スマポ